Friday, November 6, 2015

The egg white helps to lower blood pressure

The egg , food nutritionally gives us great benefits, it has been marginalized and virtually expelled from the healthy diet . Why? Perhaps due to lack of information or erroneous beliefs that have spread among the population and given the bad reputation ...
Fortunately, in recent years, thanks to recent research, eggs are again occupying the place they deserve in our diet. The latest study at the University of Jilin, Changchun (China), has shown that the egg white could be an ally in the fight against hypertension .

Apparently all is due to a peptide (union of several amino acids). This peptide, inhibits or blocks the action of angiotensin converting enzyme (hormone that regulates inter alia blood pressure), reducing blood pressure more or less as a low dose of captopril , an antihypertensive drug.

Moreover, it appears that the heat does not alter the antihypertensive properties of the peptide, so the eggs could keep their benefits after cooking, made ​​suitable, since crude is inadvisable consumption.

Now for the bad news ... so far only it has been investigated in animals, but soon the human study will take place. If the results are equally promising, soon will have another meaning egg in food.