Friday, November 6, 2015

Tips for gaining weight healthily

I have spent many post to the topic of weight loss. The overweight and obesity are problems of concern to many people and so continue to do my contributions and advice to enable them to achieve their goal.That said, I also realized by the questions they ask me throughout the week, which many people find it difficult to gain weight . Les uncomfortable to be very thin and that becomes a problem. For this reason, today's post is about various tricks so they can get fat, but healthy.
Gaining weight is easy if you do not have in mind the healthy habits, but that serves to gain weight if our health is affected ... So priority will help them gain weight without harm to health .

Tricks to fatten

Most times it costs us fat because our metabolism is faster than the rest of people . So we must consider this factor to achieve weight gain.

Limit aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise is one in which the effort is moderate, and allows us to maintain a constant intensity and prolonged in time, without forcing our cardiovascular system. I mean ... run for more than 30 minutes at a steady pace and with our controlled breathing. With this we get? Lose weight and improve our resistance. The problem is that for those who lose weight easily, this type of exercise we thins quickly. So I recommend that you do not run more than twice a week. Then you can supplement it with toning exercises or power, to continue working the body and is not affected your physical form.

Quit smoking: If you are a smoker or a smoker, you should know that nicotine speeds up your metabolism. If you want to gain weight, only to eliminate this toxic habit of your life, you can get it. Without all that would earn health!

Limit consumption of stimulants: coffee, green tea, red tea, energy drinks, etc ... also accelerate your metabolism. Try to consume little. If you're addicted to coffee, you should not take more than one or two cups a day ...

Accompanies breakfast and snack with a smoothie hipercalórico: To gain weight should consume more calories. But it is important that you do wisely. Without you noticing! So, add to your breakfast smoothie or juice containing many calories you can be helpful. You take it in a minute and is equivalent to an entire full breakfast. The batter may be similar to the one I posted to train ( Beaten before training ) should contain nuts, banana or mango, oatmeal, ... etc.

Breakfast cereals and dried fruits: Cereals are rich in calories and very healthy. To toggle can also add to your diet toasted bread with olive oil. Furthermore dried fruits such as prunes, apricots and figs, you are high in calories and are a good source of fiber. So if you eat breakfast cereals, dried fruit and a smoothie over ... in sight it does not seem much, but is loaded with kcal !!

Mashed potatoes: mashed If you do that already in itself helps fatten the amount of carbohydrates it contains, always just add olive oil and milk. With that you get a more powerful without changing its appearance, taste or size plate.

Eat every 4h: Do not miss more than 4 hours between intake and over. Your body needs food and if you often do not get them, use the book .. and makes you lose weight. Do not give that option.

Fruit juice: We must drink two liters of water a day. You can replace one liter of water and add one liter of natural fruit juice. A fresh orange juice will provide about 500 kcal per day. It's not bad at all! Above you'll cover your daily requirement of vitamin C.

Carbohydrates at every meal: your meals should always have carbohydrates slow assimilation (pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, ...) If you eat only protein and not get fat salads ...

Nothing spicy: Avoid foods seasoned with spicy. These speed metabolism.

Add cheese to your omelets: If you make an omelet or omelette, add some variety of fatty cheese. It is not too much notice, but is a way to give much more consistency and especially calories! You can eat up to two per week if you have cholesterol problems.

Eat slowly: If you chew your food well and eat slowly, they are better assimilated in your body and will provide more nutrients and energy.

Cream and creams on your vegetables: You must continue to consume vegetables. They are essential in a balanced diet, but you can mix them with cheese or gratinarlas, making sauces with cream (cream) etc ...
Me for example I love broccoli baked with a cream sauce and then topped with parmesan cheese.