Friday, November 6, 2015

Khaki; benefits and properties
Hello dear readers! How could it be otherwise, we will try to start the week with energy and health. Otherwise arrive at Friday dragging our punished bodies.
Those who usually follow me, know that Mondays ground give them one of my juices, but as this weekend I've been away, I have not had time to take the picture, creating the recipe and How to publish ... I do not like to leave them with nothing, I thought it would be interesting to mention a fruit with wondrous properties. Persimmon.

What is the khaki?

Persimmon or kaki (original name in Japanese) is an autumn fruit is mainly grown in China, Japan, USA, India, Brazil, Israel, Italy and Spain, although many years has expanded many regions of Asia does, Western Europe and South America.
It is a fruit with a skin of a dull orange and elegant touch. Very similar to the mango skin. Its flesh is orange, very sweet and juicy, the taste is unlike any fruit that has previously tested. Also, if you try the fruit before maturing after ripening. You might find that you are eating two completely different fruits, both flavor and texture. That if either way is great! As mature tannins lost and that gives a less rough and smooth, almost velvety texture say. A wonderful experience for our taste buds.

Persimmon benefits

Properties and nutritional benefits of persimmon

The persimmon is especially rich in beta-carotene or provitamin A , vitamin C , tannins, potassium and soluble fiber (when ripe). To a lesser extent we find vitamin B1 and B2, and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus and sodium.
The Vitamin A plays a crucial role protecting our skin, hair, vision, bones and immune system.
In terms of its contribution in vitamin C , two persimmons day, would cover the daily requirement of vitamin C. Not to be a citrusy, not bad! Thanks to these properties will help us to be with our high defenses during the fall and winter.
For if they did not remember, vitamin C besides strengthening our defenses, is involved in the formation of collagen, red blood cells, bones and teeth. It also allows the absorption of iron from plant foods and cell regeneration.
The potassium is a must for our muscles to function properly without potassium could not be generated or mineral transmitting nerve impulses. In other words ... without potassium we can not live!
Now. If you are constipated, it is best to consume the ripe fruit. Because contains pectins and mucilage , both soluble fibers that accelerate intestinal transit. However if we want to slow intestinal transit, because we're going to the toilet too many times ... when you eat the fruit not yet ripe. Thus, it has astringent for its richness in tannins.