Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tofu, properties and benefits

Benefits tofu

Tofu is a food with a high nutritional value and it is not surprising that the Japanese have given a place in his star power.
As a plant food has no cholesterol , which is important if you have high cholesterol levels and the doctor has recommended diminish. Do not forget that high cholesterol is a leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including heart attack or stroke (cerebral infarction).
Another important factor is that their production does not use chemicals, preservatives or dyes. It is a natural process and therefore the result is a natural product.
Another great advantage of tofu is its low calorie intake. Just about 110 calories per 100g of food. Ideal for any diet, especially if you want to lose weight.

As for the vegetable fats are polyunsaturated most similar to those found in vegetable oils.This type of fat protects our heart and arteries and gives us antioxidants that fight free radicals feared.
Tofu being made ​​from soy is very rich in isoflavones , substances belonging to the group ofpolyphenols (antioxidants) and several studies have shown to help combat the negative effects of menopause.

Buy tofu

At present it is very easy to find in any supermarket tofu due to high demand you have.However, depending on each country can be more difficult to find. Still shops engaged in the sale of dietary or organic products usually offer these products and should not be a problem to get it.

Recipes with tofu

You can find plenty of recipes using tofu as a main ingredient. In fact I have it published some days earlier you can consult. If you google, you appear many simple ideas you can put into practice and certainly will not regret it, because it is not only a health food, but it tastes amazing!