Friday, November 6, 2015

Benefits of green tea

First of all, I feel the delay !!! These days I have been asked a lot about the benefits of green tea , but have not had time today.
The green tea is made ​​from the Camellia sinensis plant . Unlike its cousin, the red tea, is not subjected to a fermentation process. We develop high temperature steam cooking your fresh leaves. During this process, green tea is capable of preserving the polyphenols , antioxidants responsible for many of its benefits.
What are the properties of green tea?

It increases mental alertness and concentration status thanks to the stimulating substances it contains.

* Prevents dizziness, above all those produced when standing (orthostatic hypotension).

* Prevent cancer of the bladder, esophagus, ovary and pancreas. A study in women showed that taking two cups of green tea a day decreased by 46% risk of developing ovarian cancer.

* Boost your metabolism, so the green tea is good for weight loss .

* Take several cups of green tea a day reduces the risk or delay the onset of Parkinson's .

* Take green tea for several years it strengthens bones, so it is good against osteoporosis.

* You are advised to people with low blood pressure. Instead hypertensive should limit their consumption.

* Green tea decreases cholesterol and triglycerides.

* Protect your heart and arteries.

* Reduces the risk of cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).

* In a cream, it is used to treat genital warts.

* Prevent type 2 diabetes helps lower the blood sugar levels.

How you've seen, green tea is very healthy, so I recommend that if you had not taken, you begin to do so. It is a very practical way to prevent all kinds of diseases.