Thursday, November 5, 2015

What foods are best eaten raw and cooked them?

better raw foods

Hello everyone! 
I feel like this week I posted a few things, but I've been busy. Anyway I have not abandoned. I keep posting things on google plus.
It's been a while coming wondering about which foods are best eaten raw and which are more beneficial when cooked . Since it is something that interests them apparently a large number of people, rather than always respond the same one by one, I think it would be more interesting to write a post and resolve all doubts as single bump.;)

Foods that are most beneficial cooked

This group includes carrots, potatoes (more than obvious ...), tomatoes and asparagus and spinach, mushrooms.
Carrots: Carrots contain lots of beta carotene , which then will be transformed in our body into vitamin A. Unfortunately we will benefit only the totality of the vitamin A if the previously cooked vegetable.
Tomato: Tomatoes are rich in vitamins. But if we make the most of your antioxidant star;The Lycopene . We consume cooked tomato. That is, in the form of tomato sauce, stews, soups, ... etc. Well, actually I advise you to eat both raw and cooked. So you benefit from the antioxidants that are lost during cooking, polyphenols and vitamin C for example, and those who are perishing in oil, as already mentioned lycopene.
Spinach: They are more nutritious cooked. Thus iron, calcium and magnesium is better absorbed, helping to strengthen our musculoskeletal system and prevention of diseases such as iron deficiency anemia.
One tip. Instead of boiling them, make them fried or steamed. This not lose the minerals in the water.
Asparagus: When the studs are subjected to a cooking process, the absorption of a very important antioxidant capable of neutralizing the action of free radicals is provided; Ferulic acid.
Mushrooms: When you cook the mushrooms release greater amounts of potassium, a mineral important for our muscles and heart.

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Foods that are best eaten raw

Here they enter all fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, watercress, onion, garlic and red pepper.
Fruits: Fruits to keep all your vitamins, especially vitamin C, should not undergo cooking processes. If this happens, the vitamin C is destroyed.
Broccoli and watercress: When these two vegetables are cooked, an enzyme responsible for producing the hydrolysis of glucosinolates in order to free some very important compounds for preventing various types of cancer diseases is lost.
Garlic: When cooking garlic, allicin, responsible for different medicinal effects of garlic is destroyed.
Onion: Onion With more of the same. If subjected to elevated temperatures, certain enzymes protect our digestive system are inactivated. You also lose a substance called glucoquinine, whose effect is similar to that of insulin, regulating blood glucose.